News, Tunes And Writings

The Elmo Wick Project

It’s hard to believe that is it getting close to 10 years ago when I stopped by Orpha and Dan Radford’s house to pick up …

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Fiddle Music from the Upper Midwest

A few years ago, I embarked on a project to create a common repertoire for people throughout the Upper Midwest who are discovering heirloom fiddle …

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The Real Pa’s Fiddle – Dance Music of “Pa” Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie

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Up on the Housetop

As a kid, my favorite Christmas Song was “Up on the Housetop,” which was likely a foretelling of my later interest in traditional music. I …

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The Real Pa’s Fiddle

Throughout the widely read children’s book series “Little House on the Prairie” and the autobiography “Pioneer Girl” Laura Ingalls Wilder painted a portrait of her …

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Fiddle Contests – 1926

Here’s a great scrapbook of articles and ads from local newspapers in Minnesota featuring fiddle contests held in 1926. It is such fun to read through to …

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