Emery’s Junk Drawer

NOV 29, 2022. People ask me if I have my snowblower ready to go. My one-word answer is ‘always’. My wife will tell you that yes, it’s in the way all summer long. But you never know when you might need it. And the way the months fly by anymore, here it is snow season already and my snowblower, other than a low tire I need to pump up a little, is ready to go. I do have to pull off a garden hose or two off of it and move the chainsaw that’s sitting in front of it. And evidently that pipe wrench I was looking for all summer was neatly hiding on the snowblower. I wonder when I put that there. So maybe that answer to the question if I have my snowblower ready to go, it’s a two-word answer: ‘Nearly always’.