Emery Kleven

Emery Kleven

Emery Kleven is a 1959 graduate of kindergarten at West Concord Elementary and a 1971 graduate of West Concord High School. He’s been a farm broadcaster since 1987 when he started at KDHL Radio in Faribault, MN. Other stops in his farm broadcasting career include Sioux City, IA; West Point, NE, Yankton SD; Omaha, NE and Minneapolis, MN at the Minnesota Farm Network. He just recently ended his 33 year farm broadcast career with the last 5 years at the Iowa Agri-Business Radio Network You can email him at emery@roadfarming.com

Mary Pat Kleven

Mary Pat Kleven is a fiddler from Wisconsin who teaches tunes, leads jams, organizes workshops and fiddle contests, performs Upper Midwestern Old Time fiddle music and in all things, encourages other fiddlers to be their best selves. 

Mary Pat is researching the music that Charles Ingalls (affectionately known as “Pa” in the Little House on the Prairie book series) would have played on his fiddle while living in northern Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota from 1850-1900.  She can be reached at marypat@roadfarming.com.

Mary Pat Kleven

About Us

Road Farming, LLC

A music blog that explores a variety of topics including music! If you love being in a place where discussion is encouraged and music is at the center, then you’re going to love our blog. We launched our blog in march of 2017. Our goal is to find like-minded people and share our thoughts with them. For us, music is a vital aspect of our existence and daily life. That’s why we wanted to explore a variety of topics around it. Having experience in the music industry, we share quality, accurate information on the subject matter. We’re always looking for a new topic or event to explore and talk about.

Minnesota bluegrass the fall 2021