Music and Stories From

Rural Minnesota and Wisconsin

Through the storytelling of radio broadcaster Emery and the old time fiddle music of Mary Pat, the Klevens take you back to a different place in time.

Welcome to

Road Farming, LLC

A music blog that explores a variety of topics including music! If you love being in a place where discussion is encouraged and music is at the center, then you’re going to love our blog. We launched our blog in march of 2017. Our goal is to find like-minded people and share our thoughts with them. For us, music is a vital aspect of our existence and daily life.

Minnesota bluegrass the fall 2021

The Perfect Blog for Music Fans

We believe healthy discussions can be made to create a more educated society. We’d love to spread education, fellowship, and valuable information. Rod Farming, LLC is the perfect blog for music fans, interpreters, and beginners. Art is something that connects all of us and enriches our souls. Providing a safe space to discuss these issues can increase musical awareness and its impact! We’re dedicated to building a united community of like-minded people to follow our publications and stay tuned to our news.

What We Do

MaryPat Kleven Fiddler Blog

Upper Midwest Fiddling news, events, tunes and musings

Hoof on the Roof 

Hoof on the Roof band news and gigs

MaryPat’s Tune Book 

Collection of fiddle tunes sheet music and video links

That’s the Latest 

Past columns from the West Concord Messenger by Emery Kleven

Emery’s Junk Drawer

Everybody on the farm had a junk drawer. Here’s mine.

Latest Posts

The Real Pa’s Fiddle – Dance Music of “Pa” Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie

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Up on the Housetop

As a kid, my favorite Christmas Song was “Up on the Housetop,” which was likely a foretelling of my later interest in traditional music. I …

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The Real Pa’s Fiddle

Throughout the widely read children’s book series “Little House on the Prairie” and the autobiography “Pioneer Girl” Laura Ingalls Wilder painted a portrait of her …

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Fiddle Contests – 1926

Here’s a great scrapbook of articles and ads from local newspapers in Minnesota featuring fiddle contests held in 1926. It is such fun to read through to …

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Life in A Day 2020 for Hoof on the Roof

Well, we aren’t likely to end up being part of the huge world wide documentary going on to film one day of people’s lives on …

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The Perfect Fiddle Tune

I’ve finally found the perfect fiddle tune. While helping out Walter Sigtermans with The Music of Elmo Wick, Vol. 2 (Minnesota State Fiddlers Association), I …

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